Brent Allen

KIALOA 'Elele in Carmel, CA

Ambassador: Brent Allen

How did you come to know of KIALOA and how did you team up – what was the evolution of this relationship?

I started working in the paddle sport industry in 2008 and in 2014 developed my own small business providing stand up paddle guide/instruction services around the Monterey Peninsula in central California. When I started reviewing the different paddle companies Kialoa’s philosophy, core business design, and products matched up well. So I reached out to a friend, Gillian Gibree, Kialoa Elele for an introduction. (Mahalo Gillian) My relationship with the Ohana at Kialoa is built on promoting the brand, developing paddle sports with youth in the community, and promoting the importance of environmental causes that protect the ocean.


What does being a steward of the KIALOA brand mean to you? Carrying forward the cultural principals of paddle sports that are rooted in Hawaiian Culture. Being a difference maker sharing the stoke.

Tell us a little bit about yourself.

I have lived in Carmel by the sea, CA for the past 16 years with my wife Kelley. My Business is called Brent Allen Outside which is a balance of stand up paddle guide and instruction services for the Monterey Bay, doing host/MC work at endurance sport events in central/northern California, consulting and promotional work in the lifestyle sports industry, and ocean advocacy work in the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. I have been working in the world of endurance sports for the last 21 years.

2017 - What events will you participate in?

My core goals in 2018 are based more on projects that develop the exposure of paddle sports, implementing solutions to reduce plastic pollution in the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctaury, and a new business venture addition which includes paddle adventures and local cuisne with friend Tyler Fox.  I always create new adventures paddles that take me into new sections of the ocean and waters of California.

What community events, charity participation or other organizations are you a part of?

2018 will be my fourth year of developing my collaborative work in the community with many great ocean based non profits and local agenicies. I am currently reviewing creating my own ocean advocacy non profit to allow for me to move forward with my own initiatives in the work I have been doing regarding plastic pollution in how it is harming the marine life in the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. The list includes: Save Our Shores, Marine Life Studies ( Whale disentanglement team in the Monterey Bay) Point Lobos State Reserve, The Marine Mammal Center, Blue Mind Dr. Wallace J. Nichols, The Plastic Pick Up, CA  State Parks, The Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary, The Wahine Project, Litterati, The Ocean Conservancy Clean Swell, Friends of the Earth, The MPA Collaborative, ( New Stevenson Private School Pebble Beach) and local municipalities on the Monterey Peninsula The City of Carmel, Pebble Beach, and Carmel Valley.

What's are some of your favorite things to do?

Travel to places I have never been, do things I’ve never done, meet people I never met, and take action on leaving the world a better place.

What's your favorite food?

Mexican* I love home cooked breakfast anytime any time of the day (biscuits and gravy etc.)

What is your favorite restaurant in Hawaii?

The Dolphin Restaurant - Sushi Lounge - Fish Market Hanalei - Kauai.

What music are you listening to these days?

Trevor Green - Jake Shimabukuro - Foo Fighters - Bob Marley - Eddie Veder -Van Halen - REO Speedwagon - Jimi Hendrix - Pink Floyd - Florence and the Machine - America - Fleetwood Mac.

Favorite place to visit? 

US National Parks *All 5 in Utah *Joshua Tree California.

How did you get started in Paddle sports?

Probably as a child paddling canoes in rivers and lakes. In 2007 I started paddling prone and Stand Up. Then in 2015 Started paddling 6 man Outrigger.

What is your pre-race meal?

Coffee - oatmeal w/ Banana and berries.

What do you like to eat/drink after paddling?

Huevos Ranchero - Coffee - Juice.

Proudest paddling moments?

The 2011 Molokai 2 Oahu Paddle Board World Championship Channel Crossing (3 man 14ft. Stand Up Paddle Division ) This was the first time in all my years of racing to do a relay. My team members where people I had great respect for Lt. Col. Corey Johnston (USMC) from Hawaii and Dr. Les Waddel (62 years old) surfing friend and mentor from California.

This was much more gratifying sharing this accomplishment with others. The other stand out was in 2015 racing OC-6 short course ( Ka Kei O’Uhane Outrigger Club Monterey, CA ) from Horseshoe Cove in the San Francisco Bay with Uncle Les (mentor) steering . We won our division - Together on the Water.

What was your scariest paddling experience?

Ghost Tree doesn’t break very often, so being in the water when it does break can be complicated. 

Where is your favorite place to paddle?

The Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary.

Any paddlers you look up to?

Uncle Les - he started the www.kekaiouhane.orgOutrigger Club in Monterey, CA 30 + years ago. Pure Aloha! Frosty Hesson & Jay Moriarity (RIP) Santa Cruz, CA. Les Waddel long time friend and waterman Seaside, CA.

Were did you grow up and what was it like?

I grew up in California, Arkansas, and Oklahoma. Every location was filled with outdoor activities relative to the region. I truly grew up in Oklahoma which is rooted in many of the same cultural norms as the Hawaiian culture. You are raised to respect your elders, treat people like you would want to be treated, understand the value of hard work, and help others. Stewardship of the land and water probably fit into my families roots in the Cherokee Indian Tribe. Trail of Tears to Indian Territory that later became the state of Oklahoma. 

As a child did you have pets?

Always. Dogs, frogs, lizards, turtles etc. I had a hunting dog, english setter named Mercury (he was fast) named after The Miami Dolphins running back Mercury Morris.

What were some things that you and your friends did as kids?

My mom always said I was 100% boy. Every sport possible, hunting, fishing, skiing, camping, chess, etc. If it was dangerous we probably tried it.

What did you get in trouble for most when you were young?

I could write a book on being in trouble in my younger years. Thank Goodness I made it out alive.

What did you do for fun as a child?

Everything sports and outdoor. Loved going on canoe trips, camping, fishing, hunting, soccer, football, on and on.

Something you want out of life?

Simply make a difference in all aspects of what I do across the board.


What are some qualities that you value in a person?

Honesty - Integrity - People that give with no motive other than doing the right thing.

What inspires you to do ‘good’ in the world?

I get inspired by the amount of negative in the world to be exactly the opposite.

Proudest accomplishment?

My marriage to my wife Kelley. We have been together since 1982 (High School) and Married since 1991.  Second would be having worked my way through college going every semester for 5 years to get my Bachelors degree. 

If you could re-experience one thing in your life, what would it be?

Teaching my nieces to surf. 

What is something your really proud of and why? 

That my life is built around consciously making a difference in all areas.  

What are some goals your still trying to accomplish? 

I have been working on building out and implementing action plans that will reduce the amount of trash/plastics being filtered into the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. Which includes a promotional campaign on why it's so important to not litter near the ocean and how plastics are killing our marine life in this incredible section of the ocean ( The Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary). 

Who are your heroes?

People that serve our country and anyone that gives in a selfless manner.

Tell us a little about how you train for paddling races?

Efficiency design of energy output, power core strength muscle group development, and the mental preparation to override brain signals of discomfort with tasks. 

How would you describe yourself in 3 words? Honest-Giving-Capable. 

What time of day do you like best and why?

Morning. Its peaceful. 

If you were an animal, what would you be?


Would you rather be able to fly or to breathe under water?

Breath underwater.

Any nicknames you go by?

Brentski, Brentford, Big Daddy, B-dog. It just happened that way.

Brent's Instagram

Brent's Favorite Gear:

